You can make a difference by serving your community in a local office.
Check out the opportunities below!

Republican Committee Person

You can make the job of committee person as big or as small as you want. ​The two main functions we ask of you is to…

1. Volunteer outside your polling station on Election Day to hand out materials and greet voters
2. Attend local and countywide GOP meetings to be informed, and to have a vote on who the endorsed candidates are for the Republican party, and who is our local and countywide GOP representation.

Other duties you can perform to be really amazing at your job include…
1. Assisting with voter registration in your community
2, Getting information to voters about upcoming elections
3. Circulating petitions for candidates running for office
4. Identifying individuals who can run for office or other committee seats
5. Reporting improper behavior or pointing out weaknesses in the security of the election process to the appropriate authorities.

Some committee people choose to solely work on Election Day, but many are in touch with their party and their neighbors throughout the year to make this job meaningful and rewarding.

Election Poll Worker or Greeter

If you are a poll worker, you can assist with confirming voter eligibility at the check-in table, hand out or help to scan ballots, and assist any voters who need a provisional ballot. If you are a poll greeter, which is one of the most impactful positions to be in, you can greet voters to hand out literature on candidates you support.

Judge of Elections

Judges of elections are responsible for the administration of election procedures in the polling place on Election Day. They are in the position of ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and in accordance with the law.

Some of the responsibilities are as follows:
1. To open and close the polls
2. To be responsible for all election materials
3. To ensure that only qualified voters are permitted to vote and that each qualified voter is permitted to vote once and only once
4. To ensure that all votes are cast in secret
5. To give instructions on the method of voting when requested by a voter
6. To give assistance to illiterate and physically disabled voters
7. To maintain order in the polling place throughout the day
8. To tally the vote after the polls are closed; and to certify the election results in that precinct

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.

Borough or Township Council Member

Boroughs are governed by an elected council. The Borough code authorizes the governing body to make and adopt all ordinances, bylaws, rules and regulations deemed necessary for the proper management and control of the borough in order to maintain good government and protect the safety and welfare of its citizens. Any legislation must not be in conflict with the Constitution and the laws of the commonwealth. The general grant of power authorizes any legal action on the part of council to maintain the peace, good government and welfare of the borough and to protect the health, safety, morals and general welfare of its inhabitants.

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.

Township Supervisor

An elected Township Supervisor is responsible for deciding issues of public safety, spending, growth management, zoning, roads and streets, code enforcement, environment and how to pay for it all. This position is best suited for those who have extensive experience in fields such as engineering or construction.

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.


A mayor is the top executive in a city, municipality or town government. The mayor often oversees many public works departments for their locale, including fire, police, and emergency medical and utility services. The mayor is commonly a part of the town council, serving in a leadership position for meetings.
Potential job responsibilities…

1. Attending town council meetings and proposing and debating initiatives
2. Casting votes, potentially in a tie-breaking capacity, at town council meetings
3. Speaking with constituents at meetings, their office or in public, answering questions and listening to concerns
4. Overseeing public service departments and ensuring they are operating effectively
5. Completing administrative tasks related to the daily operations of the local government
6. Approving press releases, speaking with journalists, leading press conferences and completing other media availability tasks
7. Representing the town at meetings with officials of other government entities
8. Examining the proposed budget and approving any final spending order
9. Appointing staff to government positions such as city attorney, city secretary and other unelected positions
10. Attending public events in an official capacity

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.

School Board Member

In the past two years the school board position has become one of the most demanding volunteer positions to serve in, but also one of the most important. There is so much that goes into this position - below is a basic overview.
1. Establish the vision and goals for the school district
2. Be aware of policies, laws, and regulations that may impact the work of the district; and implement policies that help improve the work of the district and its schools
3. In conjunction with other board members, hire and evaluate the district's superintendent
4. Adopt and maintain an annual budget that is aligned with the vision of the local school district
5. Serve as leaders and representatives of the community and as advocates for students and the school district

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.

County Commissioner

Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the county's management and administration, representing county interests at the state and federal level, participating in long-range planning, and managing the county budget and finances. They prepare an annual budget, establish and levy taxes, and invest all idle cash.

Some of the above information is copied from this LINK.

If you want to inquire about serving in your local office, contact us by clicking below!