Indian Valley Conservative Voice is a grassroots group of conservatives that work to preserve and grow conservative values in the Indian Valley and throughout our region (BuxMont., PA). We do this by advocating in our school district, building a strong community network, supporting local and state campaigns for conservative candidates, and providing our area with resources, news, and updates.

Our Mission:

1)   Protect and Fight for Kids
         We work to keep politics out of schools by confronting liberal agendas such as gender ideology and critical race theory. And we protect kids by advocating for policies like keeping women’s bathrooms safe spaces for biological females.

2)   Support Courageous Candidates
          We support and raise up conservative candidates who have a strong moral compass – men and women of conviction and integrity who will not be bought or pressured by politics or cultural winds.

3)   Build a News and Action Network
          We provide our area with resources, news, and updates as we build a thriving action network of engaged and informed citizens who are making a difference in our communities, state, and region!

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